Oh Hey!

Good morning! Have you ran today? Lifted weights? Did some ab work? Ate breakfast and drank your coffee? 

Because I sure have! Booya! I feel so productive and it’s not even 9am.

I ❤ morning runs. 🙂

Here’s a little recap of my last few days of exercise:

After my long run on Saturday I decided to make Sunday an active rest day. I went on a long walk followed by some pilates to stretch out a bit. I was surprised at how great I felt and was soo excited to not feel the effects of my long run as I had in the previous weeks. Thank you ice bath! 

{I posted my ice bath on my Daily Mile and I received a comment saying that if I could train for a marathon then I could surely take an ice bath. This really resonated with me because  it’s so true. How the heck am I supposed to run nearly 30 miles if I struggle to take a stinkin ice bath? My thoughts exactly. I should be able to do this easy cheesy. It’s good for me and I”m going to do it and do it with a smile gosh darnit!}

Once Monday rolled around I didn’t really have any big plans for the 4th so I went on a bike ride to the hiking trails near by. Getting to the trails was loads of fun because it was all downhill 🙂 But ya know what they say.. what goes up must come down. So, since I already went down I had to look forward to going back up after my hike. Luckily, it didn’t end up being terrible but sure did give my legs a good workout 🙂 The rest of my 4th included stretching, laying out by the pool and making some very delicious Spinach Feta Turkey Burgers. I cannot recommend this recipe enough! I am not a burger fan at all but I like no love these burgers. Throw in some baked sweet potato fries and it has become one of  my favorite go to meals. 🙂

I headed off to bed early so I could get ready for my morning run. I was surprised at how great I slept last night with all of the dumb boys lighting off fireworks outside my apartment. Dontcha just love college? Although, I think between my bike ride and pool time I just really wore myself out. The sun makes me sleepy. 

My alarm went off at 6 am but I hit snooze a couple times and ended up rolling out of bed and into my running clothes around 6:30 am.

Oh Hey! Good Morning!

Since I only had 4 miles on the agenda this morning I ate half a banana and drank my cup of coffee while reading my running inspirations for the day: KatyAli & Corey

Here’s how the run went down: 

  • Mile 1: 8:45 pace
  • Mile 2: 8: 30 pace
  • Mile 3: 9:00 pace
  • Mile 4: 8:20 pace
I felt really great from the start of my run until I hit mile 3. All of a sudden I got super thirsty and my stomach felt empty.. So much for that stinkin banana. I was also running uphill during the majority of this mile which definitely contributed to my slower pace. Once I was able to come down the hill I started feeling a ton better. I think the combination of running downhill with this song playing on my ipod was the perfect way to end a run.
After my run I headed over to my apartment gym to lift some weights and do some ab work.
I still haven’t gotten this book: 
So, I did my random weight session once again. I plan on picking this book up today. So, if I post one more time that I haven’t gotten this book I give you all full permission to call me lazy and cheap. K?
Okay, great. 
Once my workout was completed I came back, jumped in the shower and made myself some much needed oatmeal to refuel.

  • 1/3 c oats
  • Cinnamon
  • Vanilla
  • Strawberries
  • Frozen cherries
  • Almond butter
  • Raspberry Preserves
Now, it’s time to plan the rest of my Tuesday. I have class and a nanny job that will take up my afternoon.
Something that I’m excited about: grocery store trip today!
Am I the only one who looks forward to grocery shopping? I could spend forever walking up and down the aisles finding new, fun foods to try! 
Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! 


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11 responses to “Oh Hey!

  1. I love grocery shopping! I used to get the same things every single week, but now I have so many new recipes to try, I love it! I’ve noticed it helps to do your bulk purchases on nn busy days/times if you can help it, it takes a lot of stress out of it 🙂 I love your morning enthusiasm!

    • Smore

      Yes, bulk shopping should definitely be done during non busy times! I am not a fan of busy stores so I definitely try and make my precious trips during the slower times of day. I like to enjoy my grocery shopping!

  2. Haha you are DEFINITELY not alone with loving grocery shopping. Luckily my boyfriend is the same way in the grocery store so he doesn’t get annoyed when we go together! We can literally waste 2 hours just wandering between all the aisles 🙂

  3. hungryspinner

    Oh i love morning workouts too!! get it done and enjoy your day!! I love grocery shopping… i’m bad about going down EVERY single aisle even if i know there is nothing I want.

    • Smore

      It just sets the tone for the rest of your day doesn’t it? It always starts my day off on a positive note. Love it!

  4. Erika

    I love grocery shopping! Especially at ones that I don’t usually go to- more exciting. I’ve only had coffee right before a run once and I got a horrible cramp, but maybe I’ll give it another go sometime soon. (Then again, maybe that’s why you go so thirsty)

    • Smore

      Very true! I’ve never thought about that. Coffee does dehydrate you. I’m just going to have to make it a habit to bring my nathan water bottle with me on every run from now on!

  5. Um no you are not the only one who looks forward to grocery shopping, I live for it….even better when I go to Super Target.
    Great job on your early morning run..you should look for the book on Amazon, that is where I purchased it last year and it was pretty cheap…you will love it I promise!

  6. Pingback: Just-in-Case | Running On Smores

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